
What we do

Our professional approach is to work closely with our clients from junior staff
up to the partnership/top management level, enabling us to understand their business operation & needs, so that we can provide them with distinguished professional services and advise to guide helping them to develop business and improve performance.


We further provide our clients with the necessary recommendations to improve performance and develop the current accounting policies and procedures, taking into consideration the nature of each business and management needs and requirements, while informing them with up-to-date regulations related to tax, social insurance and zakat legislations … etc.

Accounting and Book-keeping

This service is aimed at providing our clients and firms who wish not to bear the cost of a full time accountant with the benefit of a fully fledged accounting department of a large firm.

Hence, we do not only provide our clients with integrated accounting service conducted in accordance with International Accounting Standards & Yemeni laws but also without the burden of incurring substantial costs.

Accordingly, our service in this regard, but not limited to, includes the following:


Auditing practice is aimed at providing clients with financial statements in conformity with International Accounting Standards and the applied laws.

The audit includes various tests and procedures that are required by the Yemeni laws and International Standards of Auditing.

A typical audit engagement includes:
Among services that our firm provides in the field of audit, are the following:

Since confidence, objectivity and transparency, are special part of auditing standards, then here comes the importance of changing and variation of ways approaching firms management, board of directors of private, public and joint-venture companies, as well as foreign companies branches and other firms or establishments.

Internal audit services (Technical, Operational and Financial Audit)

In this regard,  our firm provides everything business organisations need to establish and implement internal controls to protect their assets, including controls that protect data and information technology systems, so as to ensure compliance with operating procedures, and reduce risk of financial errors or fraud.

Internal Audit

Our office provides internal audit services for specific purposes that are digitally supported to benefit from automation, analytics, and dynamic and accurate risk assessment that aligns with activity and business strategies in order to help our clients anticipate risks and put the right processes and controls in place today to meet the challenges of the future.

To enable management to improve performance, our internal audit specialists evaluate the establishment’s policies, procedures and controls to ensure that they address:

In addition to providing full internal audit services, outsourcing assistance and quality assessment services, our team can evaluate the effectiveness of current internal control task to help improve and develop its performance.

Taxes and Zakat

Our services in this field aim to provide our clients with tax and zakat consultations, tax and zakat review assistance, such are performed in accordance with Yemeni Zakat and Tax Laws applied.

Most decisions taken, may increase burdens that have effects on tax and zakat resulted of what an entity is undertaking, as well as its consequent taxes and Zakat in near and far future, also as a result of changing laws and bi-laws that rapidly compliant to it.

In this regard, we aim through our firm experts and those collaborating with, to enable our clients achieving the maximum possible efficiency in short and long terms.

Among our tax and zakat services, we provide the following:

and calculation of taxes due according to tax laws.

calculation of annual zakat amount due by zakat payers according to their financial statements and in accordance with zakat law.

representing our clients and defending them before Tax Authority in regard to taxes imposed and/or assessed on their activities, also zakat imposed and/or assessed on them.

We attend discussion sessions before reconciliation and/or appeal committees of tax and/or zakat, and carrying out all necessary actions to realize a legal satisfying decision and a reasonable assessment. Such task is completed by obtaining final clearance of their tax and zakat position.

Our monitoring and evaluation services include:

We have expertise in monitoring and evaluation standards, and we have experience in developing, implementing and integrating research and survey data on a large scale.

We can also, through our extensive experience, act as an independent monitoring agent for any national and international organization in Yemen and outside Yemen.

Monitoring & Evaluation:

Our firm, through the executive team and those participating in its operations, owns the capacity of carrying out a professional monitoring and evaluation services, that are competent to achieve aimed results, such are made by our capabilities, sources and modern techniques owned by us.

Our wide existence in the local market and our exceptional qualities, including the ability of approaching all governorates and districts in the country. The projects we monitor, verify in its objectives and ways, it covers various economical and social sectors.

Monitoring and evaluation division in our firm is established with experience, tools and standards of such monitoring and evaluation.

To support monitoring and evaluation services, we are furnished with the following:

Financial Analysis and Evaluation

In this regard, our firm assesses the viability, stability, and profitability of a business, subsidiary business, or any other enterprise.

This financial analysis is conducted by specialists who prepare reports by using ratios of data taken from financial statements and other reports. Such are usually presented to senior management as one of the basis leaned on by this management in regard to work-related decision-making.

As examples to this:
Among services provided in this regard, are as follows:

Verification and Studies

Through our expertise and background, our firm conducts numerous in-depth fraud investigations for a wide range of clients, through which we have been able to detect and report fraud.

Such investigation include:
In the field of studies we provide the following professional services:

Legal Services

Our firm provides integrated legal services to residents, non-residents, and multinational entities and individuals. Our team provide advises on relevant recent laws and regulations.

Our legal services include:

Professional Consultations

Our firm provides multiple services in the field of professional consulting, designing and preparing systems and supervising their application.

Our consulting services include:

Business Consultations

In this aspect, our firm provides multiple services based on insights and results capable of making radical long-term solutions, far from conflicts of interest, with full compliance to quality standards.

Our business consulting services include:
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Business Risks

Each organization faces strategic, financial, operational, and technological challenges, so we provide business risk services by giving the necessary advice to help manage risks and improve performance.

Our team of experts can provide substantive and value-added solutions that enable clients to strengthen internal controls, governance processes, implement sound organizational strategies, increase technological capabilities, and improve the operational efficiency.

Our business risk services also include organizational evaluation and projects evaluation.

Information Technology Consultations

Technical infrastructure is an important element in successfully managing business, our IT professionals work with clients to identify technological needs and build reliable strategies to address them.

Our specialized solutions range from basic data processing to sophisticated
e-commerce options, design and development of systems structure, as well as effective independent verification.

In addition, our information technology services include:
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Other Professional Services

In addition, we provide further professional services related to:
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